Write Your Book with Me & Women Across America

Eleven women across America are writing their books RIGHT NOW after being STUCK for years with their ideas in their heads and hearts.

Then during my virtual workshop that teaches women how to write, publish and promote their memoirs, novels and business books, these future authors are doing the work to bring their dreams to reality as published authors making a powerful difference in the world.

"Write the change you wish to see in the world," I told them.

And they are!

Writing is power! 

The most common obstacle I hear is: "I don't know how to start."

Well I do!

And I'll teach you how, and not stop until you type "the end."

Please watch this short video that I did live, just before starting the retreat for 11 women yesterday.

I brought that much excitement and enthusiasm—along with decades of experience as an author and publisher—for the all-day experience.

As co-founder of Two Sisters Writing & Publishing®, I've written and published almost 60 books. Plus I'm a book coach and help authors across America write best selling books. I'm also a best selling author. So I can share every perspective of the experience with YOU!

It was nothing short of magical when they women came into the retreat expressing confusion about where to start, then left bursting with confidence, book outlines in hand!

Please make that be YOU!

Join me for my next Write Your Book in a Day virtual retreat.

Saturday, December 14, 2024

8 AM to 3 PM Pacific

11 AM to 6 PM Eastern

You can register on EventBrite.

You can also schedule a free phone call or Zoom call with me to learn how I can help you.

Just click here and you’ll see the button to schedule our meeting. I’m excited to meet you and to help you write an amazing book that can change your life and touch hearts and minds around the world.

You can do it, Goddess, because YOU have the power!

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Elizabeth Ann Atkins

Elizabeth Ann Atkins is the host and creator of The Goddess Power Show with Elizabeth Ann Atkins, the video podcast inspired by her new book, The Biss Tribe: Activating Your Goddess Power, available for pre-order at TwoSistersWriting.com.

She explores traditionally taboo topics to help women live bigger, better, and bolder.

Please visit TheGoddessPowerShow.com.


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