This is Your Summer to Step into Your Goddess Era! Here’s How!

10 Tips to be a Goddess—an Empowered Woman Living Your Dreams While Loving Yourself & Your Life

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It’s time to step through a gateway into the mindspace and physical place where you’re living the life of your dreams, as the woman you’ve always wanted to be.

She’s that person inside of you who right now who feels like a figment of your imagination. She’s the one who boldly goes after what she wants, by leaving fear and worry in the dust, while flying into her most phenomenal life where’s she free and powerful and having everything she desires.

You can do this!

And this summer 2024 is the time to make it happen.

I have and I am, and I’m here to show you how.

Hi, I’m Elizabeth Ann Atkins, and it’s my life mission to empower women like YOU to live bigger, better and bolder to manifest your heart’s wildest desires, personally and professionally.

My next book, The Biss Tribe: Activating Your Goddess Power, which is scheduled for publication this summer, is the first in a six-part series that teaches you everything you need to know to access and amplify the female superpowers that may be lying dormant inside you.

Mine were. Now they’re making magic happen in my life, and I want to show you how to do the same. If it were easy, you’d already be doing it. And if you already feel empowered and living your best life, my tools can help you be and do that on an even grander scale.

So what does it mean to be a Goddess?

Being a Goddess means you live, love, work and play in a mindspace and a lifestyle that is uniquely yours, even if it defies what you may have been conditioned since birth to believe is the most acceptable way to be as a girl or woman. Being a Goddess means living your truth from your heart and soul, from an interior compass that guides your every thought and action.

Being a Goddess is all about energy. That energy is within us, and we can activate it and use it to evolves into a whole new person and life.

Being a Goddess does not mean being a diva or being superior over anyone; it’s about being your best you in a way that contributes something positive to the world in a way that excites and fulfills you. It’s about knowing what you want and having the guts to go after it.

It’s never too late to do this!

The time is now, and I’m here with a multimedia campaign to help you make it happen.

Please listen to my podcast, The Goddess Power Show with Elizabeth Ann Atkins®, is where I talk about taboo topics that also help you speak up, stand out, and go after what you want.

So, how can you make Summer 2024 the turning point where you activate your Goddess power and transform into the most bad ass version of yourself, creating the life that right now, unfortunately, is stuck in your imagination?

Here are 10 Tips to Activate Your Superpowers:

  1. Do YOU first. Life is demanding and busy, and it’s so easy to expend all our time and energy on everything and everybody else: kids, spouses, boyfriends/girlfriends, bosses, work, colleagues, parents and relatives, your faith community, friends, hobbies. Being a Goddess requires stepping back and asking:

    What do I want?

    Not what you “should” I do. No, what do you want? You have to put yourself first. It’s not selfish; it’s the ultimate self-care. Being your best you can help you be the best for all the other people in your life, including kids.

  2. Retreat into YOURSELF. The answers to what you want and how you can get it are all within you. But the world is so noisy, and are minds are so full of chatter, we have to shut out the noise and go within. So schedule some time away from people, work, devices and all obligations, to sit in stillness and silence.

    If you know how to meditate, do it, because it will help you “hear” your inner guidance. If you don’t know how to meditate, I can show you in my Goddess Wellness Community, and my new book will provide free, guided meditations to activate your GoddessPower, via QR codes in the book.

    So, when you sit in stillness and silence, ask yourself, “What would I and my life look like if I were living as the most empowered version of myself, waking up every day excited to work, play and love in circumstances that make me happy?”

    Use your wildest imagination to envision the details and feel the feelings of scenes from this best life of yours. If you can do this exercise every day, do it. Shutting out the world and going within to really listen to your inner guidance—your GoddessVoice—will provide the clarity you need to create your best life.

  3. Journal to purge, heal, brainstorm and manifest. Journaling is one of the most powerful tools you can use to transform into the woman you really want to be.

    First, it helps you identify, purge and heal any emotions, traumas and habits that are holding you back. This is not easy! Many times we’re stuck in wrong places, jobs, mindsets and relationships due to self-sabotaging behaviors. For me, it was an eating disorder that plunged me into an emotional and physical abyss of mood swings, sugar addiction, depression and even suicidal ideation—but journaling saved me.

    In fact, when I was on The Oprah Winfrey Show to celebrate my 100-pound weight loss after pregnancy, they showed me journaling in the Harpo studios in Chicago as a way to avoid “emotional eating.”

    You can journal in a notebook, a pretty journal, an app on your phone, on your tablet or on your computer. You can also do a voice journal if you don’t want to write, by speaking into the audio app on your phone. Put the date, time and location of where you’re writing. Then describe how you’re feeling and what’s on your mind. After that, describe how you want to think, feel, behave, live and love. Then meditate to ask yourself what you need to do to become her. You can also ask Spirit, God, the Universe and any other name/source that aligns with your beliefs, to provide guidance on what you need to do.

    Be quiet, believe, and listen within, and you will hear guidance or see images or mini filmstrips of instructions or visions of the future you living your best life. Write it in your journal! The messages you receive may sound fantastical and unbelievable, so writing them will help you record every detail and action step, so you can read them later. Journal daily—I do every morning, throughout the day, and before bed—to stay in touch with your feelings.

  4. Envision and feel in a spirit of gratitude. Write about what you want as if it’s already done, and give thanks. For example, I wrote, “Thank you God for the amazing vacation in the Bahamas.” I had no plane ticket or travel plans, but I really wanted to go, so I wrote this as the first manifestation of physical reality by taking my dream from my mind onto the screen of my computer and onto the pages of my hand-written journal. I also flexed my visualization muscles when lying in my lounge chair on my patio, imagining that I’m on a white-sand beach, staring out at the turquoise Caribbean Sea, hearing the waves crash, and smelling the salty air. This prompted me to explore travel options, fully believing that I would soon be living this vision in 3D reality during my amazing trip to the Bahamas.

  5. Don’t listen to naysayers. Your dreams and who you really want to be are yours. Not everyone will “get it” or endorse your vision. So don’t tell them. Just keep doing you and the work required to bring your dreams to life. For example, if you work in an office cubicle but dream of being a full-time content creator with large followings, brand deals and sponsorships, while traveling the world to do what you love, quietly research what that requires, and take action each day to make it real.

    Don’t tell people who won’t understand. Show them! If you want to write a book, but people around you are drinking Haterade or jealous frenemies question, “Who do you think you are?”, just write in secrecy and invite them to your book launch party or tell them to tune in to watch the media interviews as you talk about your new book.

    Cheer for yourself and believe you can do it, regardless of what people around you are saying. They may mean well, trying to protect you by confining you to a comfort zone, but that’s actually a trap where you are not free to fly as the Goddess that you are.

  6. Be patient and gentle with yourself. My Goddess mission came to me 24 years ago, and I’ve been diligently working to heal and release negative thinking and self-sabotaging behaviors that were holding me back. The issues I was dealing with didn’t happen overnight, and they didn’t resolve that quickly, either. It took a lot of journaling, prayer, meditation, work, trial and error, failure, and aggressive belief in myself and my dreams to persevere and finally step through the Goddess Gateway into the Elizabeth and the life that I absolutely love.

    So, be patient and gentle with yourself. By gentle, I mean forgiving yourself for anything you’ve done in the past that has held you back. You can just say, “I forgive myself,” while you’re thinking of that thing that makes you feel guilt, regret, anger or angst. And you can journal about everything you need to forgive yourself for. I do that a lot. It helps you release that baggage. You’ll feel physically lighter and your brainspace will literally feel more clear and open to receive creative brainstorms. It will clear mental clutter so you can get into your Goddess Genius Zone, where ideas will flow freely, your energy will surge, and you’ll feel super excited about everything you do. Believe me! I’ve done this, and I am loving life, from the simplest things to the most grandiose ones.

  7. Make pleasure and play a top priority. Do you feel like you’re on punishment? Like days are full of drudgery? It’s time to have more fun! Of course, handle your responsibilities. But take time every day to do things you love, even if it’s for a few minutes at a time.

    First, self-pleasure is a powerful component of self-care. Besides feeling amazing, self-pleasure releases a flood of chemicals in our bodies that boost our mood, make our skin glow, strengthen our immunity, increase our confidence, and help you sleep better. Please watch or listen to my interview with innovator Lora DiCarlo about the importance of pleasure, whether solo or with a partner or partners. Pleasure can also take the form of snuggling in a soft blanket and really focusing on the fabric against your skin and the warm feelings, preparing and savoring every bite of your favorite foods, feeling the sunshine on your skin, soaking in a hot, aromatic bath, or doing whatever you personally enjoy.

    At the same time, allow your inner girl to come out to play. For me, on a daily basis, I play with the colorful crystals on my desk while running my publishing company, Two Sisters Writing & Publishing®. I do yoga in the sunshine. I splash in the ocean, giggling like a child. I ride a bike and feel 10 years old again. I walk in the woods, marveling at butterflies and birds. And I laugh a lot.

  8. Do something every day that makes you feel like a Bad Ass. Only you know what this is. And the catch is, you have to do it for yourself. Girls and women are raised to be performative: we’re told to smile, sit a certain way, dress a certain way, behave a certain way—all in ways that force us to conform to what others think are most attractive and acceptable for us, as if we’re ornamental.

    As a result, we are so programmed by this, that we automatically follow those rules, and can sometimes feel constantly “on stage”—performing at work, for our partners, for our friends, for our faith community, or for society at large.

    Being a Bad Ass as a Goddess means shutting out what anybody else may think, and doing something that makes you feel powerful and happy. If you do this exercise to impress someone else, it’s not the Goddess way. Your daily Bad Ass action needs to be something that’s not a photo opp or video to show off on social media. It doesn’t seek the male gaze or anyone’s approval. It’s all about You.

    For example, my daily Bad Ass moments include: writing in my Genius Zone with so much focus and fiery creativity that it feels like an out-of-body experience where I’m channeling ideas faster than I can type. Another Bad Ass moment is going to the gym alone and having a monster workout where I push myself through the pain of extra squats or kick-backs. It’s not about who may be witnessing what I’m doing. It’s about me knowing that I’m doing something that empowers me, and that’s enough.

    What can you do every day that makes you feel like a Bad Ass?

  9. Escape from ManLand. ManLand is one of my favorite places in the Universe. It’s where I get lost in the intoxicating romance, adventure and pleasure of men. ManLand can apply to people of all gender- and sexual orientations. You can call it WomanLand or LoverLand or another term that resonates with you.

    It’s the place where the pursuit of love, romance and pleasure is so exciting and thrilling, that it distracts you from yourself and your life and derails your dreams.

    Of course, if you have your best partner, and if you’re able to have a relationship and/or date in a way that keeps you centered and focused on yourself and your priorities and your best possible future, awesome!

    Unfortunately, that’s not the case for too many of us.

    I have been lost in ManLand many times. Stay tuned for a blog post and show about How to Escape from ManLand and find your true path into your greatest destiny.

    So, how do you escape from ManLand?

    First, you have to know that you’re lost there. This means being totally consumed by the romantic prospect and/or relationship. This can also mean being obsessed with dating apps and going out to bars, clubs and events on a constant quest to either find your new person or to catch a high on the latest crush.

    Looking for love is great; the problem is when our minds and hearts and energy and time get sucked into and totally consumed by the pursuit and enjoyment of romance and love. It means being distracted from work, which can lead to financial ruin. It can mean not getting enough sleep, blowing off tasks and chores, blocking out friends and family, drinking/smoking too much, spending too much money on clothes and going out, leaving no time for yourself or your side hustle that could become your dream career, and whatever else happens when you step into ManLand.

    Unfortunately, another thing that can happen is that you get stuck on the rollercoaster in ManLand. That means loving the highs of attention and new people, but hating the plunge into anxiety and disappointment when your emotions are tied to these people’s fickle behavior. So, you can escape from ManLand by identifying whether you are sacrificing your time, energy, emotions, wellness and dreams by allowing your romantic prospects or partners to consume your mind, time and resources.

    Second, understand your attachment style. Do you have an anxious attachment style, which is rooted in insecurity and a twisted tolerance for allowing someone to put you on their maddening rollercoaster that soars into the highest heights of fun and pleasure, then plunges you into anxiety and anger? Are you using ManLand as an escape to not face yourself or your reality? What would happen if you spend the rest of your life in this cycle—which includes the joy of new love as well as the depression and turmoil of breakups—and never break free to discover who you are, what you really want, and how you can achieve your greatest dreams? For me, answering all of the above helped me escape from ManLand. I have a powerful life mission to help other women activate their GoddessPower through my multimedia platform and my courses. Now I am super focused and peaceful, and it’s amazing. When the right person comes along—a person who will help me elevate even higher—that will be amazing. For now, I want to help you find your greatest power by focusing your time and energy on yourself and your dreams.

  10. Get therapy. Can’t say this enough! Therapy will make magic happen in your life. Please find a great therapist through word-of-mouth referrals or perhaps online reviews. Don’t stay with anyone whom you don’t totally trust or vibe with. When you find a great therapist, be prepared to share the issues that are most troubling you. Embark on a quest to figure yourself out, to earn your PhMe. Become an expert on yourself and what’s been holding you back. I think everyone should get therapy. If you’re worried about the cost, think of it as an investment in yourself. It can help identify, release and heal the negative energy, trauma and pains within that could someday manifest as physical illness, so consider therapy as part of your commitment to mental and physical wellness for the long term. Keep your appointments and consider this a long-term experience, because it takes time to delve into your story and allow your therapist to connect the dots in ways that may surprise and empower you. Therapy works, and it’s the greatest gift you can give to yourself!

These 10 actions can help you be the Goddess that you’re born to be, now, for Summer 2024. Yes it takes work. No, it’s not easy. But the rewards are immeasurable. Thrilling. Life-changing!

You can do it, Goddess, because YOU have the power!

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Elizabeth Ann Atkins

Elizabeth Ann Atkins is the host and creator of The Goddess Power Show with Elizabeth Ann Atkins, the video podcast inspired by her new book, The Biss Tribe: Activating Your Goddess Power, available for pre-order at

She explores traditionally taboo topics to help women live bigger, better, and bolder.

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