You Need to Use a Washcloth! Period.

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The #TikTok debate about #washcloths is wild!

As the Washcloth Queen, I must chime in.

I own dozens of washcloths and use at least three every day.

When I check into a hotel, the first thing I do is call housekeeping to have more washcloths delivered.

If I’m dating you or if you’re a family member, you purchase a big supply of washcloths to have on hand for when I visit.

I carry a washcloth and soap in a ziploc bag in my purse, especially when traveling.


Because personal hygiene is my obsession.

So the online debate about using washcloths vs. using your hand with a bar of soap has a hands-down winner: washcloths!

Every Goddess needs to use washcloths to stay clean and pristine in our private parts.

Likewise, every Gentleman needs to use washcloths to make sure he’s super clean.

Your hand is not good enough!

You need the friction of a textured washcloth to clean out the cracks and crevices and remove bacteria, poop remnants, sweat, lint, and whatever else accumulates on and around the labia, vagina, scrotum, penis, anus, butt cheeks, armpits, and feet.


Your hand is smooth and flat and lacks the texture to thoroughly remove microscopic film from body functions and perspiration. It is not enough!

I watched one man’s video and he said he became a washcloth believer after years of using a bar of soap with his hands to wash his butt. He became a washcloth user because he said the first time he used a white washcloth, it was brown due to poop residue in and around his anus.


This fascinating online debate about washcloths was inspired by a married couple on @yourmomshouse podcast, and they also equated washcloth use with poor people. This bizarre belief is wrong. My wealthiest friends have bidets and use washcloths in the shower.

Other people have been posting videos that washcloths are a racial or cultural thing. Wrong. As a multiracial woman whose family members and friends represent every race, religion and culture, I’m here to say that using washcloths is not about race, religion, ethnicity, national origin, or socioeconomic status; it’s about cleanliness.

Immaculate Hygiene is Imperative for Pleasure

Here on my website and show for The Goddess Power Show with Elizabeth Ann Atkins®, and in my upcoming book, The Biss Tribe: Activating Your Goddess Power, I’m all about helping women and everyone else live bigger, better and bolder to manifest our hearts’ wildest desires.

That includes pleasure.

And perfect hygiene is an imperative part of pleasure.

You want your privates to be pristine, super clean, and odorless when you share them with others—unless body odor and poop play are your fetish.

Otherwise, no “funky phantoms” allowed!

That’s the term my father used for when someone is stinky down there and you get a waft of odor when they have been sitting and stand up. That means the smell is so bad, it has permeated their clothes and is sending a cloud of funk your way.

Hand-in-hand with this is a “shit streak” in the underwear or “tracks,” which is so disgusting.


If someone has a health problem that causes anal incontinence, that’s a whole different story. My message here is for those who are in perfect health and have the choice and wherewithall to orchestrate their own personal hygiene.

So, in terms of being with a lover, it is a total turnoff if there’s a butt smell—or worse, poop residue around their anus.

A Goddess—a woman who’s empowered to live her best life on her terms—practices immaculate personal hygiene: brushing and flossing, getting teeth cleanings (I go every three months), keeping fingernails clean unless you’re a mechanic or gardener or artist, and keeping our cracks and crevices fresh.

This requires using washcloths. I use them in the morning, anytime during the day when I shower, during my bedtime shower, and throughout the day to freshen up my face and private parts, especially before a workout. You should be clean when you go to the gym, so your sweat won’t stink.

Even when I’m home alone all day running my businesses, Two Sisters Writing & Publishing®, and The Goddess Power Show, I practice impeccable hygiene because that’s the standard I set for myself.

Of course, if you work in a certain environment where you’re sweating or working long hours and have no opportunity to clean yourself, that’s understandable. The same goes for being in a heat wave, being away at events, traveling, camping, and finding yourself in circumstances where you just have to roll with it until you can shower.

But whenever you have control and access to a bathroom, private personal hygiene should be a top priority.

And that includes using washcloths to clean your body.

So, here are 5 tips for using a washcloth to make sure you are super clean and odorless:

  1. Don’t re-use washcloths. I’ve seen lots of videos where folks talk about how washcloths are full of bacteria. Not when they’re clean and you use them for the first time! If you clean your body with it, then let it sit and grow bacteria, mold, fungus and whatever else, that’s gross. Do not re-use a washcloth that has collected the dirt you just cleaned off your body. Hang it up to dry, then toss it in the washing machine.

  2. Wash your face first, then your private parts. This is pretty obvious—that you don’t wash your butt, then use the same washcloth to clean your face.

  3. Ladies, wash your va-jay-jay first, then wash your butt. Your butt contains bacteria that can cause UTIs, yeast infections, and other unpleasantries. That’s why we wipe from front to back. Likewise, if you have anal sex and want to switch back to the vagina, your lover should use a soapy washcloth to clean their fingers, their ding dong, and/or the dildo or other sexy toys. That whole “truffle butter” concept is an infection waiting to happen, and it’s just gross. Butt bacteria should never mix with va-jay-jay juice, even on a soapy washcloth, so clean your lady parts before you gently scrub the booty crack with a soapy washcloth.

  4. Stock up on the types of washcloths you love. You can buy super thick ones, thin ones, mitt-style ones, white ones, colorful ones. I love opening the linen closet and seeing stacks of clean washcloths waiting for my use. I have white, purple, pink, and a rainbow of other colors.

  5. Cleanliness is self-love, self-care and spiritual respect. As the old proverb says, "Cleanliness is next to godliness." A Goddess is a woman who embodies the supernatural spiritual power of God, Creator, Source, the Universe. As such, our bodies are our temples, and when you think of your place of worship, it is kept very clean out of respect and reverence for the divine. And if you believe that we’re made in the image and likeness of our Creator, then that’s all the more reason to keep your body immaculately clean and fresh. Using a washcloth to do that is the best way to do this.

I hope I’ve inspired you to at least try using a washcloth and compare the results if you’re a hand-and-soap-bar person. As a self-proclaimed Washcloth Queen, I must say that washcloths rule!

Elizabeth Ann Atkins

Elizabeth Ann Atkins is the host and creator of The Goddess Power Show with Elizabeth Ann Atkins, the video podcast inspired by her new book, The Biss Tribe: Activating Your Goddess Power, available for pre-order at

She explores traditionally taboo topics to help women live bigger, better, and bolder.

Please visit


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