Improve Your Day with Mini- Moments of Bliss

I call it a bite-gasm.

That’s when something tastes so good, you close your eyes and moan, savoring the spices and textures as the oils and tenderness and euphoric flavors dance on your tongue.

OMG that was the first bite of breakfast today.

It was salmon, prepared exactly as I love it, with lots of spices and herbs and olive oil, steaming hot, and beautifully presented at my table under the chandelier that I love. It immediately boosted my mood, my energy, and my mental clarity for a full day of writing and publishing books.

This practice of extreme mindfulness, moment by moment, is a very simple pleasure, and I enjoyed every bite with absolute bliss, enhanced by a deep sense of gratitude that made me exclaim, “THANK YOU!” out loud.

This is an example of the kind of presentness and mindfulness and gratitude of the moment that I practice all day and night, and it creates a more peaceful, happy life all around.

Dear Goddess, please practice as many moments of blissing out during your day as you possibly can. They will string together to create a gorgeous montage of moments that make you feel better and love your life all the more. That builds momentum to stay in that high-vibe state, and this is what I call Goddess Power Life.

The mission of my podcast, The Goddess Power Show with Elizabeth Ann Atkins®, is to help you live bigger, better and bolder and manifest your heart’s wildest desires, by exploring provocative topics that open your mind and heart to new ways of thinking, living and loving.

These all stem from things I do every day as part of the Goddess Power Lifestyle I’ve cultivated for many years, resulting in wellness in mind, body and spirit, as well as a peacefulness and joy in the moment.

Note: life ain’t perfect! Of course I have down days, disappointments and downright depression sometimes. But these practices help lift me up and out, and I’m sharing some of them here with you now, to help you pack your day with as many moments of bliss as possible. They all add up to a happier, healthier YOU!

First, this requires setting an intention that you actually want to become mindful of your thinking and behavior, so you can create these moments, which start in your mind. Second, it requires believing that you deserve to feel better. This is huge! Often our misery or anxiety or angst or drudgery is rootedin feeling like we don’t deserve to feel, be, do and have the best of everything.

I have often felt like I put myself on punishment out of guilt, regret or some other negative feeling. Then I realized what was gong on and refused to stay in that state of mind.

Hence, the practice of blissing out during as many moments as possible, every day. Again, you don’t have to be on an exotic vacation on a tropic beach to do this. The key is doing in your everyday moments by recognizing the amazingness right where you are.

Here are some very simple ones as examples that are easy to implement:

1) when you first wake up, instead of jolting up, savor the sensations of the warm, soft blankets and pillows, the gratitude of having a good night’s sleep, the blessing of a new day, and thankfulness for all that is going well in your life for you and your loved ones.

2) when you drink water, coffee, a green smoothie, tea for the first time, savor the flavors and temperatures and sensations as the liquids enter your mouth, go down your throat and into your stomach. Then also be mindful of how each beverage makes you feel: refreshed, energized, calm, etc.

3) if you get anxious, write in a notebook or on a laptop or talk into your phone’s notepad, exactly how you’re feeling, a prayer/wish for the best possible outcome, and any action steps/solutions you can take to resolve this feeling. Writing and speaking purges out the emotions to free your mind to resolve the issue. Of course if it’s overwhelming, speak with a mental health professional.

4) recognize little things that bring you bliss, and indulge mini-moments with them. For me, that’s my plants. I literally walk from room to room and admire how my plants appear to be dancing in the sunlight streaming through the windows. I take note of the new buds and sprouts and roots my plants are growing, and I actually speak to them: “Good morning, my beautiful plants!” They are so happy and beautiful and they make me happy. They are living, they are keeping the air in my home cleaner, and they are simply a source of bliss for me.

5) have sacred rituals throughout the day that are just for you. This can be enjoying your afternoon tea or kombucha or coffee with your favorite mug in your coziest chair or with your favorite coworker. It can be creating a spiritual practice to meditate and clear your chakras at a specific time. It can be taking a bath with candles and scented soap to relax. It can be creating a nighttime ritual of journaling, sipping camomile tea and praying in the glow of a soft lamp. It can be stepping outside to feel the sunshine on your face and raising your arms to the sky to stretch and be grateful for this moment.

6) if you’re stressed, go down to the simplest expressions of gratitude: thank you that I can breathe, thank you that I can walk, thank you that I have food in the refrigerator, thank you that my family is well and safe, thank you that X problem is resolved, thank you for heat and hot water, etc. Many people around the world do not have any of the above, and when we bring our thinking down to these most basic blessings, it puts everything in perspective.

Please come up with your own blissful moments.

Just remember to do things throughout the day that make you bliss out on life, especially when things aren’t going according to plan.

If you’d like more tips on how to stay motivated and happy, please watch my Good Morning, Goddess videos on the YouTube channel for The Goddess Power Show with Elizabeth Ann Atkins®.

You can also learn more about how to enjoy a Goddess Power Lifestyle with my new book, The Biss Tribe: Activating Your Goddess Power by Elizabeth Ann Atkins.

Elizabeth Ann Atkins

Elizabeth Ann Atkins is the host and creator of The Goddess Power Show with Elizabeth Ann Atkins, the video podcast inspired by her new book, The Biss Tribe: Activating Your Goddess Power, available for pre-order at

She explores traditionally taboo topics to help women live bigger, better, and bolder.

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